Tag: invest in africa

  • daba La Fintech construisant l infrastructure d investissement pour l Afrique lance sur l App Store avec 5 millions USD d actifs sous gestion en demande

    daba La Fintech construisant l infrastructure d investissement pour l Afrique lance sur l App Store avec 5 millions USD d actifs sous gestion en demande

    Communiqué de Presse – États Unis – 11 Juillet 2022

    daba, une fintech qui développe l’infrastructure d’investissement tout-en-un pour l’Afrique, est heureuse d’annoncer que la version bêta sera mise en ligne sur l’Apple App Store et Google Play Store le vendredi 15 juillet 2022.

    Après avoir accumulé une liste d’attente sursouscrite qui a attiré plus de 5 millions de dollars d’actifs sous gestion entrants promis pour investir en Afrique, l’application mobile de daba devrait enfin être disponible au public cette semaine. La société déploiera l’application auprès d’un premier groupe de 200 utilisateurs et accordera progressivement l’accès à davantage d’utilisateurs sur une base hebdomadaire.

    La vision de daba est de développer une solution unifiée permettant aux investisseurs de tous niveaux de trouver et d’investir dans les meilleures opportunités que les marchés africains ont à offrir dans plusieurs classes d’actifs et pays.

    Aujourd’hui, les utilisateurs pourront trouver des opportunités d’investissement, investir leur capital, gérer et suivre leurs investissements ainsi qu’accéder à des informations quotidiennes pertinentes sur les investissements. De plus, les utilisateurs pourront dialoguer avec d’autres investisseurs sur la plateforme pour échanger des stratégies d’investissement. Pour les utilisateurs qui souhaitent une expérience d’investissement améliorée, ils pourront souscrire à divers plans d’abonnement qui offrent des fonctionnalités d’investissement et d’intelligence avancées.

    “Nous avons réimaginé complètement ce que signifie investir en Afrique”, déclare le cofondateur et PDG – Boum. « Notre premier produit d’investissement est un investissement en capital-risque dans des entreprises technologiques privées africaines à forte croissance. Le capital-risque africain est à un point d’inflexion et il y a beaucoup de capitaux volontaires qui restent inactifs et qui ne peuvent pas accéder à la classe d’actifs de capital-risque en raison des barrières élevées à l’entrée et des lacunes infrastructurelles du système. Daba est en train de changer cela pour toujours ».

    “Nous avons vraiment simplifié le processus d’investissement dans les startups en le rendant à la fois accessible et compréhensible” – déclare Anthony Miclet – co-fondateur et chef de produit de daba.

    Daba pense que la révolution de l’investissement en Afrique a commencé à se dérouler sous les yeux du monde, alors que davantage de capitaux institutionnels affluent dans la région et que les individus sont de plus en plus désireux de participer à cette opportunité en plein essor. L’entreprise positionne sa solution comme le conduit pour faciliter et accélérer cette tendance en ouvrant l’accès à ce marché.

    “Pour nous, ce n’est que la pointe des opportunités que nous cherchons à débloquer. Il y a encore beaucoup de travail à faire et des choses passionnantes seront bientôt annoncées. Nous sommes heureux de publier enfin l’application, de la mettre entre les mains des gens et de leur faire découvrir notre produit », déclare Boum.

    Pour en savoir plus sur daba et rejoindre la liste d’attente, visitez : dabafinance.com et consultez l’annonce de lancement de l’application ici. L’équipe peut être jointe à [email protected].

  • Daba Finance Goes Live on App Store With $5M in Inbound AUM

    Daba Finance Goes Live on App Store With $5M in Inbound AUM

    Press Release – July 11th 2022

    daba, a fintech building the all in one investment infrastructure for Africa is glad to announce that its long awaited public beta is going live on the Apple app store and Google play store on Friday July 15th 2022.

    After amassing an oversubscribed waitlist that attracted over 5M USD of inbound AUM pledged for investing in Africa, daba’s mobile application is finally set to be available to the public this week. The company will roll out the application to an inaugural cohort of 200 users and will gradually grant access to more users on a weekly basis.

    Daba’s vision is to build a unified solution allowing investors of all levels to find and invest in the best opportunities the African capital markets have to offer across multiple asset classes and countries.

    Today, users will be able to find investment opportunities, invest their capital, manage and track their investments over time as well as access relevant daily investment news. To add, users will be able to engage with other investors on the platform to discuss investment strategies and share or copy their trades. For users who want an enhanced investment experience, they will be able to subscribe to various investment membership subscription plans that offer premium investment and intelligence features.

    “We are completely re-imagining what it means to invest in Africa”, says co-founder and CEO – Boum. “Our first investment product is equity venture investing in high growth private African technology companies. African venture capital is at an inflection point and there is a lot of willing capital sitting idle on the sideline that cannot access the VC asset class because of the high barriers to entry and infrastructural deficiencies in the system. Daba is changing that forever”.

    “We’ve really simplified the startup investing process making it both accessible and understandable” – says Anthony Miclet – co-founder and daba’s Head of Product.

    Daba believes the African investing revolution has begun to unfold in front of the world’s eyes, as more institutional capital flows into the region and retail capital grows eager to participate in this burgeoning 1.5T capital market opportunity. The company positions its solution as the conduit to facilitate and accelerate this trend by opening up access to this market.

    “For us, this is only the tip of the assets we are looking to unlock. There is lots more work ahead and exciting things soon to be announced. We are happy to finally release the application, place it in people’s hands and have them experience our product” – says Boum.

    To learn more about daba and join the waitlist, visit: dabafinance.com and check out the app launch announcement here. The team can be reached at [email protected].

  • Reasons to Invest in African Emerging Markets

    Reasons to Invest in African Emerging Markets

    The African continent is rapidly becoming one of the newest — and most promising — destinations for emerging markets investors.

    In fact, for upwards of 20 years, the World Economic Forum has identified that more than half of the world’s fastest-growing economies are on the continent. With extensive natural resources, a young and increasingly educated workforce, relative political stability, and undeniable prospects for economic growth, there’s no question of vitality for investors.

    Image from IMCS

    Through and through, Africa is among the handful of emerging markets globally; the phrase coined by economists in the early 1980s defines investing in developing countries. Like any investment decision, there are inherent risks but here are five reasons our leadership believes Africa is worth a shot:

    1. Potential for Growth 📈

    Presently, Africa accounts for around 17% of the world’s population, but only 3% of global GDP. This data not only attests to a historical failure to tap into the continent’s developmental potential but also highlights the tremendous opportunities that lie ahead. Should Africa continue to sustain and accelerate its structural reforms, many believe the continent can emulate China’s rapid rise over the last 50 years.

    2. Innovation 💡

    Industrial revolutions, whether driven by steam, assembly lines or computers, have historically been slow to sweep the African continent. However, the era of Industry 4.0, clean energy, artificial intelligence, and digital innovation promises to be different. Unlike previous waves of industrial change, having a stake in the digital age doesn’t require extensive expertise or massive capital investment. Instead, innovators and entrepreneurs in emerging markets are in a position to tap into flows of talent and digital knowledge and convert them into goods, services, and business models.

    Image from Enterprise

    3. Lower Valuations 📉

    In the last decade, African equities have not been a success story — at least not when compared to similar regions. The MSCI US and the MSCI Developed World index rose 232% and 159% respectively in the last ten years, while the MSCI South Africa and MSCI EFM Africa ex. South Africa only gained 33% and 23%. With that in mind, some question whether Africa’s equities have lagged because of problems on the continent. Short answer: not really. However, it does present a unique opportunity for investors — more equity stake in the companies you choose to invest in.

    4. Diversification 📊

    Diversification is the practice of spreading out investments to reduce exposure to risks associated with just one type of asset. The practice is intended to reduce the volatility of your investment portfolio over time. If you’ve been patiently waiting on an opportunity to invest in international stocks, Africa presents itself as a worthy option.

    Image from Kubera

    5. Rising Middle Class 💼

    According to the World Economic Forum, by 2030, more than 40% of Africans will belong to the middle or upper classes; as a result, there will be an increased demand for goods and services. Not to mention, household consumption is expected to reach $2.5 trillion (yes, trillion), more than double that of 2015 at $1.1 trillion. An increase in capital can only mean more opportunities for economic growth and development throughout the continent leading to more and more inventors flocking to Africa.

    That’s where daba comes in. Our simplified platform provides what we call “everyday investors” with investment analysis and wealth-building resources to make their investment decisions in the African private and public capital markets sustainable.

    Image from daba

    To learn more about daba and how to join our growing global community of investors, visit dabafinance.com or connect with us on LinkedIn!