• Top 9 Trends That Shaped The BRVM In 2023

    Top 9 Trends That Shaped The BRVM In 2023

    One of the key questions investors looking to diversify their portfolios often ask is, “Where to invest in Africa?” African stocks offer some of the most promising opportunities for retail and institutional investors.

    In this blog, we explore some of the standout trends on the bourse last year and why investors interested in Africa should look to the Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM), the regional stock exchange serving eight francophone West African countries.

    What is the BRVM?

    The Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM) serves as the regional stock exchange for the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) member states. 

    These include Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo. 

    Despite facing challenges like inflation and political tensions, the BRVM demonstrated resilience in 2023, with its composite index showing consistent growth.

    1. BOA, Sonatel, Orange Lead The Pack

    Last year, 21 stocks experienced prosperous periods, witnessing notable capital gains, while 23 stocks ended in decline, with 2 maintaining stability. 

    The finance and public services sectors notably contributed to the positive direction of the BRVM stock market, recording gains of 14.45% and 8.64%, respectively. 

    Notably, stocks within these sectors, such as Sonatel and Orange Côte d’Ivoire, played a pivotal role in this performance. BOA CI emerged as the top performer, boasting an impressive 86.35% gain, fueled by opportunities within the Ivorian banking sector.

    The BRVM Composite, the comprehensive performance indicator, exhibited a modest initial growth to 203.22 points (+0.46%). However, it concluded the year with a notable surge of 5.38%, reaching 214.15 points, marking its third consecutive year of growth.

    Want to diversify your portfolio? BRVM’s bellwether stocks offer promising opportunities for investors. Check out the Daba app to access them.

    2. Increased Dividend Distribution

    Despite challenges in 2022 and cautious directives from the BCEAO regarding dividend distributions from banks, BRVM-listed companies significantly increased shareholder remuneration in 2023. Dividends distributed to investors rose by 25.82%, totaling 647.8 billion FCFA. 

    Companies such as Sonatel, Orange CI, Société Générale CI, Ecobank CI, and Société Ivoirienne de Banque stood out by distributing substantial sums to their shareholders.

    3. Brandon McCain Acquires Shares in BICICI

    Brandon McCain Capital, led by Ahmed Cissé, acquired a 19.11% stake in BICICI from the SUNU bancassurance group. This transaction, valued at 22.12 billion FCFA, marks a significant change in BICICI’s shareholding structure.

    4. Vista Group Negotiates Oragroup Share Repurchase

    The Vista Group engaged in discussions for the repurchase of ECP’s shares in Oragroup. This agreement, with a consortium led by Emerging Capital Partners, aims to make Vista the majority shareholder of Oragroup, holding over 61% of shares. 

    However, valuation discrepancies between ECP and Simon Tiemtoré’s group pose challenges to the deal’s completion.

    5. BRVM Surpasses 8 Trillion FCFA Mark

    A significant milestone achieved by the BRVM in 2023 was its historic crossing of the 8,000 billion FCFA mark in market capitalization. This momentous occasion occurred on September 12, 2023, propelled by notable peaks in Société Générale CI and Orange CI stocks amid widespread increases. 

    Subsequently, on September 20, 2023, the BRVM ascended to become the fifth-largest market in Africa, boasting a market capitalization of 12.861 billion dollars, surpassing the Nairobi stock exchange’s capitalization of 9.77 billion dollars. 

    The listing of Orange Côte d’Ivoire at the end of 2022 significantly contributed to this achievement, accounting for around 20% of the overall market capitalization. 

    Despite a decline in overall volume transacted by 45.8% compared to 2022, the value of transactions increased by 41.2%, reaching 246 billion FCFA in 2023, reflecting positive market evolution.

    Looking for a simple way to tap into the BRVM growth story? Daba offers a seamless experience for investors. Join us today and begin your journey!

    Daba Finance Invest Africa BRVM hits major milestone

    6. Credit d’Afrique Group’s Acquisition of Alios Finance

    On December 12, Tunisie Leasing et Factoring announced its agreement with Credit d’Afrique Group, led by successful entrepreneur Serge BILE, for the acquisition of its subsidiaries. 

    This acquisition includes majority shares in Alios Finance subsidiaries in Ivory Coast, Cameroon, and Gabon. While the Ivorian subsidiary faced financial challenges, this sale potentially stemmed from the subsidiaries’ financial performance. 

    Safca, controlled at 52.02% by Alios Finance, experienced a significant increase of 47.16% in its stock value at BRVM by the year’s end.

    7. Historic Highs for Ecobank CI, Société Générale CI, and SIB

    2023 saw certain stocks reaching their highest prices since their introduction to the BRVM. Notably, Ecobank CI, Nestlé CI, Orange CI, Société Générale CI, and SIB achieved significant milestones in their price evolution. 

    These developments, while reflecting positive market sentiment, may impact profits, dividends, and net assets. Investors’ high expectations could lead to increased price-earnings ratios and a decline in average profitability, affecting stocks’ attractiveness based on dividend yield.

    8. Highest Returns Offered During Publications

    With the release of financial statements for 2022 during 2023, several companies stood out for the level of shareholder remuneration they offered. BOA BF led the rankings with a notable dividend yield of 11.09%, followed by Palmci at 11.05%. 

    Nestlé CI, BOA CI, and SOGB rounded out the top 5 with respective returns of 10.79%, 10.40%, and 10.30%. This indicator, with an average dividend yield of more than 10%, contributed to reinforcing investors’ confidence in the stock market.

    Ready to enjoy juicy dividends from BRVM Stocks? With Daba’s intuitive platform, investing has never been easier. Download the app now to get started.

    9. Sonatel’s Concessions

    Despite its long-standing dominance, Sonatel found itself displaced as the market capitalization giant at BRVM, ceding the top position to its Ivorian counterpart, Orange CI. 

    Orange Côte d’Ivoire’s successful IPO, the largest ever conducted on the BRVM market, triggered market excitement, propelling its stock value by around 15% in just two sessions. 

    However, post-IPO consolidation allowed Sonatel to reclaim its position, now sharing the market dominance with Orange CI, collectively commanding over 42% of the overall market capitalization.

    Why You Should Invest In Stocks On West Africa’s BRVM

    Investing in African stocks, particularly through platforms like the BRVM, offers investors a gateway to diverse and promising opportunities. 

    By understanding market trends, strategic developments, and sectoral performance, investors can make informed decisions on where and how to invest in Africa’s thriving stock markets, unlocking the continent’s growth potential and contributing to long-term investment success.

    Daba’s cutting-edge investment platform provides investors with a seamless and effective way to discover, trade, and monitor investments on the BRVM. Get the Daba application now to start building your BRVM portfolio today.

    XOF 1 = USD 0.0016 as of February 18, 2024.

    Disclosure: This article was originally published on Sika Finance and regenerated with AI.

  • Récapitulatif 2023 : Meilleures performances des actions sur la BRVM

    Récapitulatif 2023 : Meilleures performances des actions sur la BRVM

    La Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM) est la bourse régionale des États membres de l’Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA) : Bénin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Sénégal et Togo.

    La bourse est située à Abidjan, en Côte d’Ivoire, mais elle dispose de bureaux de marché dans chacun des pays affiliés.

    Au cours d’une année impressionnante pour le marché boursier, jusqu’à huit actions ont enregistré des gains à deux chiffres en 2023, tandis que la capitalisation boursière a dépassé pour la première fois les 8 billions de XOF (environ 13 milliards de dollars) en septembre.

    Dans le cadre de notre série de récapitulatifs 2023, nous présentons un aperçu des actions les mieux performantes sur la bourse régionale, ainsi que des entreprises qui les sous-tendent, classées par appréciation du cours de l’action.

    Daba Finance Invest Africa 2023 Recap

    1. Bank of Africa (Côte d’Ivoire) – +86,4%

    Bank of Africa Côte d’Ivoire SA est une banque basée en Afrique, située à Abidjan, en Côte d’Ivoire. Elle propose des produits et services financiers et d’assurance à des clients tels que des professionnels, des particuliers, des étudiants et des communautés locales.

    Bank of Africa – Côte d’Ivoire est cotée à la BRVM sous le symbole “BOAC”. Son cours actuel est de 6 750 XOF, ayant augmenté de plus de 80 % au cours de la dernière année.

    Bank of Africa – Côte d’Ivoire est actuellement la 15e action la plus précieuse de la BRVM, avec une capitalisation boursière de 135 milliards de XOF, soit environ 1,71 % du marché boursier de la BRVM.

    C’est la 16e action la plus échangée à la Bourse de la BRVM au cours des trois derniers mois.

    2. Société Multinationale de Bitumes (Côte d’Ivoire) – +54,69%

    Société Multinationale de Bitumes (SMB) SA est spécialisée dans le raffinage du pétrole brut pour la production et la commercialisation de bitume routier et de sous-produits.

    SMB est cotée à la BRVM sous le symbole “SMBC”. Elle est actuellement la 22e action la plus précieuse de la bourse, avec une capitalisation boursière de 81,1 milliards de XOF, soit environ 1,02 % du marché des actions.

    Le cours actuel de SMB Côte d’Ivoire est de 10 400 XOF. Il a augmenté de plus de 54 % l’année dernière et est la 31e action la plus échangée au cours des trois derniers mois.

    3. Alios Finance (Côte d’Ivoire) – +47,2%

    Alios Finance Safca SA, anciennement Société Africaine de Crédit Automobile (SAFCA) SA, propose des services financiers, y compris le financement de voitures, d’équipements agricoles ou commerciaux, y compris d’équipements d’occasion.

    Elle est cotée à la BRVM sous le symbole “SAFC” et est actuellement la 41e action la plus précieuse de la bourse, avec une capitalisation boursière de 8,73 milliards de XOF, représentant environ 0,11 % du marché des actions.

    Le cours actuel de l’action est de 1 075 XOF, et elle est la deuxième action la plus échangée à la Bourse de la BRVM au cours des trois derniers mois.

    4. SGB (Côte d’Ivoire) – +38,3%

    La Société Générale de Banques en Côte d’Ivoire propose des produits et services bancaires aux particuliers, aux entreprises, aux institutions et aux professionnels en Côte d’Ivoire.

    La société offre des comptes, y compris des produits bancaires à distance et des transferts d’argent ; des crédits, tels que des prêts immobiliers ; des assurances vie et non-vie ; des produits d’épargne et d’investissement ; et des programmes de fidélité pour les particuliers.

    SGB est cotée à la BRVM sous le symbole “SGBC” et est actuellement la troisième action la plus précieuse, avec une capitalisation boursière de 492 milliards de XOF, représentant environ 6,21 % du marché des actions.

    SGB Côte d’Ivoire est la 29e action la plus échangée au cours des trois derniers mois.

    5. Ecobank (Côte d’Ivoire) – +37,5%

    Ecobank Côte d’Ivoire SA est une banque commerciale qui propose divers produits et services. Outre la Côte d’Ivoire, la société opère également au Mozambique, au Nigeria et en Tanzanie, entre autres.

    Ecobank est cotée à la BRVM sous le symbole “ECOC” et est actuellement la quatrième action la plus précieuse, avec une capitalisation boursière de 369 milliards de XOF, représentant environ 4,66 % du marché des actions.

    Le cours actuel de l’action Ecobank Côte d’Ivoire est de 6 700 XOF, et elle est la septième action la plus échangée à la Bourse au cours des trois derniers mois.

    6. Bank of Africa (Burkina Faso) – +34,2%

    Bank of Africa Burkina Faso SA est une banque commerciale opérant dans les secteurs de la vente au détail, des entreprises et des marchés financiers. La banque propose des produits financiers tels que des comptes de dépôt, y compris des comptes chèques, d’épargne et à terme, et accorde des prêts aux particuliers et aux entreprises.

    Le Burkina Faso est coté à la BRVM sous le symbole “BOABF”. La Bank of Africa – Burkina Faso est actuellement la dixième action la plus précieuse, avec une capitalisation boursière de 151 milliards de XOF, représentant environ 1,9 % du marché des actions.

    Le cours actuel de la Bank of Africa – Burkina Faso est de 6 850 XOF, et elle est la 35e action la plus échangée à la Bourse au cours des trois derniers mois.

    7. Bank of Africa (Sénégal) – +30,6%

    Bank of Africa Sénégal propose une gamme de produits et services bancaires aux particuliers et aux entreprises. BOA Sénégal opère en tant que filiale du Groupe BOA, une société holding qui offre des services financiers tels que la banque et l’assurance par le biais de ses filiales en Afrique.

    Elle est cotée à la BRVM sous le symbole “BOAS” et est actuellement la 25e action la plus précieuse, avec une capitalisation boursière de 76,2 milliards de XOF, représentant environ 0,962 % du marché des actions.

    La Bank of Africa – Sénégal est la 19e action la plus échangée au cours des trois derniers mois, avec un cours actuel de 3 175 XOF.

    8. Air Liquide (Côte d’Ivoire) – +22,9%

    Air Liquide Côte d’Ivoire SA, anciennement Société Ivoirienne d’Oxygène et d’Acétylène SA (SIVOA), est une entreprise basée en Côte d’Ivoire opérant dans l’industrie chimique.

    Elle produit des gaz industriels et médicaux, des équipements et consommables médicaux, des équipements de découpe et de soudage, des matériaux d’hygiène et des produits de lutte contre l’incendie. Elle offre également des services d’installation et de maintenance.

    Air Liquide est cotée à la BRVM sous le symbole “SIVC” et est actuellement la 42e action la plus précieuse, avec une capitalisation boursière de 7,25 milliards de XOF, représentant environ 0,092 % du marché des actions.

    Le cours actuel de l’action Air Liquide Côte d’Ivoire (SIVC) est de 830 XOF, et elle est la sixième action la plus échangée à la BRVM au cours des trois derniers mois.

    1 XOF = 0,0017 USD au 7 janvier 2024.

    Crédits d’information : BRVM, African Exchanges, Reuters Markets

  • 2023 Recap: Best-Performing Stocks On BRVM

    2023 Recap: Best-Performing Stocks On BRVM

    The Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM) is the regional stock exchange of the member states of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU): Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo. 

    The exchange is located in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire but maintains market offices in each of the affiliated countries.

    In an impressive year for the stock market, up to eight of the stocks posted double-digit share price gains in 2023 while the market capitalization surged past the XOF 8 trillion mark (around $13bn) for the first time in history in September.

    As part of our 2023 recap series, we provide an overview of the best-performing stocks on the regional bourse—and the companies behind them—ranked by share price appreciation. 

    Daba Finance Invest Africa 2023 Recap

    1. Bank of Africa (Cote d’Ivoire) – +86.4%

    Bank of Africa Cote d’Ivoire SA is an Africa-based bank situated in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. It provides financial and insurance products and services to such customers as professionals, individuals, students, and local communities.

    Bank of Africa – Côte d’Ivoire is traded on the BRVM under the ticker symbol “BOAC”. Its current share price is XOF 6,750 having surged more than 80% over the past year.

    Bank of Africa – Côte d’Ivoire is currently the 15th most valuable stock on the BRVM with a market capitalization of XOF 135 billion, which is about 1.71% of the equity market.

    It is the 16th most traded stock on the Exchange over the past three months.

    2. Societe Multinationale de Bitumes (Cote d’Ivoire) – +54.69%

    Societe Multinationale de Bitumes (SMB) SA is engaged in refining crude oil for the production and marketing of road bitumen and by-products.

    SMB is traded on the BRVM under the ticker symbol “SMBC”. It is currently the 22nd most valuable stock on the bourse with a market capitalization of XOF 81.1 billion, which is about 1.02% of the equity market.

    The current share price of SMB Côte d’Ivoire is XOF 10,400. It rose more than 54% last year and is the 31st most traded stock over the past three months.

    3. Alios Finance (Cote d’Ivoire) – +47.2%

    Alios Finance Safca SA, formerly Societe Africaine de Credit Automobile (SAFCA) SA, provides financial services including financing of motor cars, and agricultural or commercial equipment, including second-hand equipment.

    It is traded on the BRVM under the ticker symbol “SAFC” and is currently the 41st most valuable stock on the exchange with a market capitalization of XOF 8.73 billion, which makes up about 0.11% of the equity market.

    The stock’s current price is XOF 1,075 and it is the second most traded stock on the BRVM over the past three months.

    4. SGB (Cote d’Ivoire) – +38.3%

    Société Générale de Banques en Côte d’Ivoire provides banking products and services to individuals, corporations, institutions, and professionals in the Ivory Coast.

    The company offers accounts, including remote banking products and money transfers; credits, such as real estate loans; life and non-life insurance; savings and investments; and loyalty programs for individuals.

    SGB is traded on the BRVM under the ticker symbol “SGBC” and is currently the third most valuable stock with a market capitalization of XOF 492 billion, which is about 6.21% of the equity market.

    SGB Côte d’Ivoire is the 29th most traded stock over the past three months.

    5. EcoBank (Cote d’Ivoire) – +37.5%

    Ecobank Cote d’Ivoire SA is a commercial bank that provides several products and services. Apart from the Ivory Coast, the Company also operates in Mozambique, Nigeria, and Tanzania, among others.

    Ecobank is traded on the BRVM under the ticker symbol “ECOC” and is currently the fourth most valuable stock with a market capitalization of XOF 369 billion, which is about 4.66% of the equity market.

    The current share price of Ecobank Côte d’Ivoire is XOF 6,700 and is the seventh most traded stock on the Exchange over the past three months.

    6. Bank of Africa (Burkina Faso) – +34.2%

    Bank of Africa Burkina Faso SA is a commercial bank operating in the retail, corporate, and financial markets. The Bank provides financial products such as deposit accounts, including checking, savings, and time deposits, and extends loans to individuals and businesses.

    Burkina Faso is traded on the BRVM under the ticker symbol “BOABF”. Bank of Africa – Burkina Faso is currently the 10th most valuable stock with a market capitalization of XOF 151 billion, which makes up about 1.9% of the equity market.

    The current share price of Bank of Africa – Burkina Faso is XOF 6,850 and is the 35th most traded stock on the Exchange over the past three months.

    7. Bank of Africa (Senegal) – +30.6%

    Bank of Africa Senegal provides a range of banking products and services to individuals and businesses. BOA Senegal operates as a subsidiary of BOA Group, a holding company that provides financial services such as banking and insurance through its subsidiaries in Africa.

    It is traded on the BRVM under the ticker symbol “BOAS” and is currently the 25th most valuable stock with a market capitalization of XOF 76.2 billion, which makes up about 0.962% of the equity market.

    Bank of Africa – Senegal is the 19th most traded stock over the past three months with a current share price of XOF 3,175.

    8. Air Liquide (Cote d’Ivore) – +22.9%

    Air Liquide Cote d’Ivoire SA, formerly Societe Ivoirienne d Oxygene et d Acetylene SA, (SIVOA), is an Ivory Coast-based company engaged in the chemical industry. 

    It produces industrial and medical gases, equipment and medical consumables, cutting and welding equipment, hygiene materials, and firefighting products. It also provides installation and maintenance services.

    Air Liquide is traded on the BRVM under the ticker symbol “SIVC” and is currently the 42nd most valuable stock with a market capitalization of XOF 7.25 billion, which is about 0.092% of the equity market.

    The current share price of Air Liquide Côte d’Ivoire (SIVC) is XOF 830 and it is the sixth most traded stock on the BRVM over the past three months.

    XOF 1 = USD 0.0017 as of January 7, 2024.

    Information credits: BRVM, African Exchanges, Reuters Markets